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Refine proper antenna placement on connected vehicles (particularly commercial vehicles) to reduce DSRC ‘shadow’ areas where DSRC signal is degraded.

Connected vehicle deployers should assess field equipment and organizational capabilities that will be needed to support core CV components.

Refine institutional arrangements when deploying connected vehicle technology to outline the expectations of partners in terms of service, outcomes and reporting.

Connected vehicle deployers are encouraged to utilize multi-vendor outsourcing and to source suppliers early to create a collaborative environment that enables as much parallel work as possible.

During system testing, CV Pilot sites discover the importance of having expertise in detecting and mitigating interferences with radio frequency and GPS signals

Route guidance provided by the EVAC mobility application showed that an evacuation information system may decrease congestion time by 20 percent.

Evaluation ApproachThe New Orleans regional evacuation traffic model was calibrated using actual mass evacuation traffic counts from Hurricane Katrina, courtesy of the Louisiana Department of…
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